Last Minute Craft Show
Holy Trinity Catholic High School
180 Katimavik Rd, Kanata ON K2L 4A7,
*New Date* Sunday, December 8, 2024 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Please fill in all fields and boxes that are marked with (*)
Contact Info *
Are you a NCA member 2024-25?*
Non-Member Booth Price: $90
Member Booth Price: $75
Corner Booth: $15 extra
6 ft table: $12 each; 8 ft table: $14 each
Members Area
*NCA members must select a market task. Failure to do the task will prevent you from participating in future markets. If not a member, please pick "Not a member".
Booth Info*
Table Info* (If you choose both as "0", then you need to bring your own table(s))
Electricity Info*
Product Info
Please select up to three categories, indicate percentage of each category that are being sold at your booth, and provide a brief description of your products in each category.
If you are a non-member or have products in a new category, you must send photos of your work for jurying. Non-members are required to send 4 photos representative of the work for sale and 1 photo of their set-up. Note your application may be rejected if the photos are not of sufficient quality to assess your work. Our jury standard on different categories can be found here.
Read Terms & Conditions.
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