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Last Minute Craft Show

Holy Trinity Catholic High School

180 Katimavik Rd, Kanata ON K2L 4A7,

*New Date* Sunday, December 8, 2024  10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

Please fill in all fields and boxes that are marked with (*)

Contact Info *

Are you a NCA member 2024-25?*

Non-Member Booth Price: $90

Member Booth Price: $75

Corner Booth: $15 extra

6 ft table: $12 each; 8 ft table: $14 each

Members Area

*NCA members must select a market task.  Failure to do the task will prevent you from participating in future markets.  If not a member, please pick "Not a member".

Booth Info*

Table Info* (If you choose both as "0", then you need to bring your own table(s))

Electricity Info*

Product Info

Please select up to three categories, indicate percentage of each category that are being sold at your booth, and provide a brief description of your products in each category.

If you are a non-member or have products in a new category, you must send photos of your work for jurying.   Non-members are required to send 4 photos representative of the work for sale and 1 photo of their set-up. Note your application may be rejected if the photos are not of sufficient quality to assess your work.  Our jury standard on different categories can be found here.

Details in Terms & Conditions.

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